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Support the institute

In Brazil, as in many parts of Latin America, countless families are seeking better opportunities for their children. They yearn for an education system that places the student at the heart of the learning process, one that recognizes individual needs and fosters unique talents. By supporting Livre pra Escolher, you are not only championing human dignity through education choice, but also helping build a brighter future for people to thrive and make their region more prosperous and stable.


Understand LPE's impact:

1.8  thousand


Participants in our survey

2.4  million+


Reached by the dissemination of our survey



In traditional media

Your generous donations will go towards:

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Dissemination of information:

Ensuring families are well-informed about how education choice can change the future of their children and their country.

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Promotion of entrepreneurship:

Encouraging innovative educational solutions tailored to local needs.

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Support for public policies:

Advocating for policies that empower families in their educational decisions.