Termos | Livre pra Escolher

We use your data to analyze and personalize our content and advertisements while you browse our website.
By continuing, you agree to our Privacy Policy.

Políticas de Privacidade: Seu Direito à Segurança e Privacidade Online

Terms and Privacy Policy

When you request a quote for a service or fill out the contact form, some of your personal data is provided to facilitate the operation. We at Livre pra Escolher value the security of your data, respect your privacy, and are transparent with you. According to the definition brought by the General Data Protection Law "LGPD" (Federal Law No. 13.709.2018), most of the time, we will be the controller of your information, responsible for defining what happens with this data and protecting it.

Acceptance of this Policy is given by consent (agreeing) or by the ways mentioned above. This indicates that you are aware and in full agreement with how we will use your data and information. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please do not proceed with quote requests or contact. With the non-acceptance of the Privacy Policy, some services may not be available. Also, if possible, inform us of your disagreement so that we can clarify them.

Therefore, you should carefully read the conditions set forth in this document, where we group all forms of data processing (collection, use, sharing, storage, among others) of your data, as well as the measures we use to keep them secure.

Data Collection

Provided Data

Personal information provided through the completion of quote or contact forms is collected and securely stored on our servers so that we can contact you in the future and serve you in the best possible way.

Visitor Data

When you simply access our website, a "cookie" is placed in your browser through third parties (such as Google Analytics, for example) to identify how many times you visited our website. With these "cookies" (identifiers transferred to your browser or device), it is possible to collect browsing information, such as which pages were visited or how many people accessed them, for example. Like most technology companies, this collection is done automatically, and this data is stored in log files whenever you visit our site.

We may use session cookies (which expire after closing the browser) and persistent cookies (which remain on your computer until you delete them) to provide a more personalized and interactive experience on our site. Persistent cookies can be removed following the instructions in your internet browser's help file. You can choose to limit, refuse, or disable cookies through your browser settings. However, by doing so, some areas of our site may not work correctly, which may prevent you from benefiting from some of our features. Furthermore, it is worth noting that this Privacy Policy does not cover the use of cookies by third parties, and we are not responsible for their privacy policies and practices. Be aware that cookies placed by third parties may continue to monitor your online activities even after you have left our Services.


We use personal data to ensure quality service and a better experience. Below, we list the purposes for which we may use your personal data:

1. To contact you when necessary. This contact may include various subjects, such as answering questions, responding to complaints and requests;
2. We may also use your data to carry out targeted advertising based on your preferences, interests, and other collected information;
3. For any purpose that you authorize us to use at the time of data collection;
4. To comply with legal obligations.

Cookies and Monitoring Technologies

We may use certain monitoring technologies to collect information about activities carried out automatically during browsing. Information collected through such technologies is used to perform performance metrics or identify usage issues, for example. Some of the technologies that may be present on the site include:

• Cookies: a cookie is a small file added to the User's device to provide a personalized site access experience. Cookies help analyze internet traffic and let us know when the User visited a specific site. A cookie does not give access to a computer or reveal information beyond the data the User chooses to share with us.
• Pixels: These are parts of JavaScript code installed in our applications, websites, or in the body of an email, with the purpose of tracking and collecting information about user activities, allowing the identification of their access patterns, browsing, interests, product purchases, and optimizing content targeting.
• Analytics tools: These tools can collect information about how Users navigate the site, which pages they visited, and when they visited these pages, among other things.

Data Storage

We use personal data to ensure quality service and a better experience. Below, we list the purposes for which we may use your personal data:

Only employees with the necessary authorizations will have access to your data. No data will be publicly disclosed. Livre pra Escolher will make all reasonable and market possible efforts to ensure the security of your data. The data collected is securely stored on our own cloud server.

Data Sharing

Since third-party scripts (such as Google Analytics, for example) are used to monitor visitor browsing, this data may be shared with these companies like Google and Facebook. When sent to these platforms, the data is transformed into HASHES (encrypted). This data is only shared with companies that have secure data storage and respect the privacy and security of data subjects.

Your Rights

Transparency about the treatment of your personal data is our priority. In addition to the information provided in this Privacy Policy, you can also exercise the rights provided by the General Data Protection Law, including:

1. Confirmation of the existence of personal data processing;
2. Access to personal data;
3. Withdrawal of consent;
4. Correction of incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated personal data;
5. Deletion of personal data processed with consent or when it is unnecessary, excessive, or when it is believed that some aspect of the LGPD was not met;
6. Information about the circumstances under which we may share or receive personal data about you with companies, partners, and other institutions;
7. Information about the possibility of not giving consent and about the consequences of refusal, when applicable;
8. All requests will be processed free of charge and will be subject to a prior assessment of your identity and the feasibility of fulfilling any obligations that may prevent the full satisfaction of data subject requests.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We are constantly seeking to improve the experience of our customers. Therefore, our personal data processing practices may change with the addition of new features and services. We value transparency in the way we handle your personal data. Whenever a relevant condition of this Privacy Policy is changed, these changes will be valid, effective, and binding after the new version is published on our website. These changes will be communicated through one of the channels provided by you during your registration (email or others).

Contact Us

Whenever you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, even after reading it, or need to interact with us regarding matters involving your personal data, you can do so:

• Through our customer service channels, requesting options regarding the privacy of your personal data, whenever available; or
• Through the Data Protection Officer's email:

We recommend that you check the updated version of this Privacy Policy whenever you browse the site. We are always available to clarify your doubts and put you in control of your personal data. Count on us to keep you informed!